You’ve probably noticed by now that almost every article on weight loss, health and fitness often talk about drinking more water. We’d hate to sound like a broken record but water is vital for your health. In fact, our bodies are made up of about 60% water. Not to mention, your brain and heart are about 73% water, your lungs are about 83% water, your skin contains 64% water, your muscles and kidneys are about 79% water, and even your bones are 31% watery!
So, it’s not a bad idea to drink enough water to avoid dehydration and allow your systems to function properly. Staying hydrated wards off diseases, stops belly bloat and keeps your kidneys functioning well. Yet, these are only 3 of the many advantages of drinking water. Not drinking enough water or not drinking water at all can cause some pretty drastic physiological effects, so we really think you should not wait to find out what happens either.
A glass of water goes a long way
There are still people who barely drink any water. Instead of reaching for a glass of it, they prefer to sip on soda, coffee or fruit juice. Yes, you will get some water and hydration from these things, but you should still make hydration from plain water a priority. Still want to know what can happen if you don’t drink enough water? Okay, here are some of the side effects that could haunt you:

Gain water weight
We know it sounds counter-intuitive but skipping out on drinking water can actually cause water retention and temporary weight gain. Not drinking enough water forces your body to hold every drop to prevent severe dehydration.

Decrease in energy
If you’re feeling groggy, don’t reach for that coffee. Go for a glass of water instead. Drinking plenty of water during the day can keep you feeling hydrated. In fact, even a slight dehydration can significantly drain your energy.

Weight gain
Some people tend to mistake thirst for hunger and end up eating more but really, they just need to drink more. Reaching for some water might even make your hunger pangs go away.

Loss of focus
Hitting a brain block could be a sign of dehydration. Your brain relies heavily on water and a slight dehydration can impair its abilities and functions. A study even found that drinking water can prevent memory and attention decline.

Persistent headaches
One of the things you might notice when you’re dehydrated is a throbbing headache. The good news is that if dehydration is the cause, it should go away shortly after you drink a large glass of water.

Poor kidney function
For your kidneys to work properly, you need water to dilute the blood. Not getting enough water can cause your kidneys to work overtime to filter out the blood. Severe dehydration can lead to failure or worse, kidney stones.

Bathroom troubles
Your colon pulls water from the body to make your poop pass through easily. If you don’t drink enough water or none at all, you could suffer from hard stools and constipation, along with abdominal pain and cramps.

Dull skin
Dehydration doesn’t just cause trouble for the systems and functions in your body. It can also show up on your face in the form of dry, ashy skin that seems less radiant, plump and elastic.

Dry mouth
Kissing with a dry mouth feels awful. Swallowing is difficult. Both are caused by dehydration or not drinking water at all and what you have are dry mucous membranes, i.e. a lack of saliva. Luckily, this can easily be solved by drinking water.
Now you see why it is important to always drink water. With Bio Pure’s innovative purification system, you can ensure that you are drinking only the cleanest, highest quality water to keep you and your family safe and healthy. Six to eight glasses is enough as going too far above and beyond won’t help you. Drinking too much water can lead to brain swelling and fluid overload so make sure to find a happy balance between the six to eight glasses daily to stay healthy.